Physical and Mental Health
Why does health matter?
Health is important to everyone as it has an impact on our physical, mental and social well-being. Maintaining good health helps to keep our bodies free from illnesses, control our emotions, and improve our social skills. Hence this would have an impact on our performance in school and work.
The school serves as a platform for students and staff to acquire knowledge, skills and values that will influence them in future. Hence, the promotion of health is of utmost importance as it will continue to impact students and staff even after they leave our school.
Domains of School Health
The school’s health needs can be grouped according to 3 major domains:
Physical Health
Social Health
Mental Health
JWSS Health Promotion Framework

Pillars of Health Framework
The school takes a coordinated effort to promote health based on the 3Ps of:
Promoting Health
Pursuing Health
ExPeriencing Health
JWSS Health Promotion Framework

Platforms for Health Promotion
Students-based platforms to promote and recognise students for health promotion efforts include:
Assembly health talks
CCE programs, CCA programs
Class-based lessons such as PE, CCE and FCE lessons
School events such as Cross Country Meet and Sports Day
Secondary 2 and 3 Level Camps
Inter Class Games for all Levels
Health Ambassadors opportunities
REFRESH program for overweight students
Gym program
NAPFA Awards

Speaker sharing tips on skin care.

Refresh Program students taking part in Cluster Games.